Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Travel Tips

Several things we learned on this trip:

1. Only carry a few days’ groceries. The bottom fell out of a drawer where the canned goods were. Too much weight for the drawer.

2. Take a few extra blankets - propane does burn up quickly in cold weather and you can easily run out overnight then you not only don’t have any heat, you don’t have any refrigerator or way to cook.

3. Watch out for the idiots trying to get on the Interstate: They raced up the on-ramp going faster than we were and ahead of us, then they looked up, saw us, and slammed on their brakes when they could have easily gotten on the Interstate ahead of us. We had no place to go - we would have moved to the left lane as soon as we realized someone was trying to get on the Interstate if we could have - and they just ran out of road.

4. As much as possible, call ahead and check the places you want to visit, just in case there is a reservations-only policy. You can’t always trust to dumb luck like we did. Also make sure the place is going to be open around the time you expect to get there. Several places didn’t open until May, later in April, or in the afternoon. Or were only open on certain days.