All in all, I am so glad we went on this trip. Next time though, I think we'll fly into Anchorage, rent a car, and stay in motels for a few weeks (or get cabins in the military FamCamps). We saw a lot of wildlife, got snowed on several times even though it was May and June. I made the mistake of making the itinerary too far north in May and too far south in June; should have switched that around. Although it would have made no difference as far as Memphis, Tupelo, and Biloxi.
The highways in Alaska and western Canada were almost empty until we got to a town of any size. Even then some looked deserted. Some of the roads were not any better than the Alaska Highway, most were two lanes.
We didn't have any problem getting a camp site anywhere we went. Some were ok, one had fantastic showers, most had showers that sucked especially in the state parks! Some we couldn't get the RV level; most told us to park where ever as they had plenty from which to choose.